Manufacturing Processes for High Nickel Alloy Steel Round Bars

Date : Dec 10, 2024

High-nickel alloy steel round bars are in great demand for their high strength, corrosion resistance, and ability to withstand heat, making them a valuable asset to industries in aerospace, marine, chemical processing, and energy. At Steeline, we take pride in manufacturing quality high nickel alloy steel round bars with the latest manufacturing techniques. Here is a detailed overview of how these round bars are made:

Raw Material Selection:

  • It begins with careful selection of raw materials. High-quality nickel and other alloying elements such as chromium, molybdenum, and iron will be used to meet the set composition standards. The selected materials can contribute to achieving desired mechanical and chemical properties.
stainless steel

Melting and Refining:

  • Melting raw materials takes place in highly advanced furnaces like electric arc furnaces and vacuum induction melting (VIM) furnaces.
  • Electric Arc Furnace (EAF): Scrap metal and raw materials are melted at specific temperatures.
  • Vacuum Induction Melting (VIM): It effectively removes impurities, hence making the alloy cleaner and more performance-oriented.
  • The refining process includes argon oxygen decarburization (AOD) and vacuum oxygen decarburization (VOD) to remove impurities and to get the precise chemical composition.


The Molten metal is poured and refined in to billets, blooms or ingots in accordance to production needs. By using continuous casting, material quality is made more standard and less wastage is made compared to other methods.

Hot Rolling:

The billets or ingots are heated in a furnace through which they are then passed between a set of rollers to reduce the diameter of the round bars to the required size. This procedure improves the metallurgical characteristics and mechanical characteristics of the heat-resistant alloy.

Annealing and Heat Treatment

The round bars are either annealed or subjected to heat treatment to further increase its ductility and machinability of round bars and their overall performances.

stainless steel

Quality Testing and Inspection:

To ensure that every bar meets stringent quality standards, the products are subjected to rigorous testing:

  • Chemical Analysis: Gives assurance on the type of the alloy that is being used.
  • Ultrasonic Testing (UT): Discriminates between internal defects or inclusions.
  • Hardness Testing: Defines, how much the material is resistant to deformation.

Surface Finishing:

These round bars are then given a smooth surface finish and free from all sorts of surface defects. It increases their aesthetics and readiness for the final usage and application techniques.

Why Choose Steeline?

At Steeline, we provide round bars made of high nickel alloy steel that satisfy the highest industry standards by combining sophisticated manufacturing processes with comprehensive quality control procedures. Our products are dependable in a variety of applications because they prioritize accuracy and performance.

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